- Fast Access Time: 45, 55, 70ns(Max)
- CMOS Low Power Dissipation
- Wide range of Power Supply
- Data Byte Control Mode LB : I/O0~ I/O7, UB : I/O8~ I/O15
- Fully Static Operation, no Clock or Refresh required
- Three State Outputs
Electrical Datasheet
Die Physical Data:
Footprint: 6.354mm² (9849.428mil²)
Request Pad Layout
- N/A
- Green:Available from stock or at low factory MOQ.
- Amber: Available on factory order with MOQ.
- Red: High factory MOQ may apply, please ask for details.
- Green: This bare die is specified and tested for use in high reliability applications.
- Amber: This bare die can meet higher reliability specifications with additional testing & qualification, please ask for details.
- Red: This bare die is not specified or specifically designed for use in high reliability applications.
- Green: This bare die is qualified for space applications or has space level qualification data, please ask for details.
- Amber: This bare die can be specified for space applications with additional testing and qualification, please ask for details.
- Red: Suitability of this bare die for space applications is unknown and requires further qualification, please ask for details.